The vh is returning different values in different components in the same screen [Closed]
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The vh is returning different values in different components in the same screen [Closed]

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One of the most frustrating bugs that developers encounter is when the vh unit returns different values in different components on the same screen. This issue can be particularly problematic when it comes to creating responsive designs that rely on the vh unit to set the height of elements. In this article, we will explore the causes of this issue, and provide a comprehensive guide on how to troubleshoot and fix it.

Causes of the Issue

The vh unit is a relative unit that is equal to 1% of the viewport height. The viewport is the visible area of the browser window. However, the viewport height can change depending on the browser, device, and screen orientation. This means that the vh unit can return different values in different components on the same screen if the components have different viewport heights.

Browser and Device Differences

Different browsers and devices have different viewport heights. For example, the viewport height of a mobile device in portrait mode is typically shorter than the viewport height of a desktop browser in landscape mode. This means that the vh unit can return different values in different browsers and devices.

Screen Orientation

The screen orientation can also affect the viewport height and therefore the value of the vh unit. For example, when a mobile device is rotated from portrait to landscape mode, the viewport height changes, which can cause the vh unit to return a different value.

Component-Specific Styles and Layouts

In some cases, component-specific styles and layouts can affect the viewport height and therefore the value of the vh unit. For example, if a component has a fixed height or a max-height that is set to a specific value, it can affect the viewport height and cause the vh unit to return a different value.

Troubleshooting Steps

To troubleshoot the issue of the vh unit returning different values in different components on the same screen, follow these steps:

  1. Check the browser and device:

    • Try testing the application in different browsers and devices to see if the issue is consistent across all of them.
    • Check the viewport height of each browser and device to see if it is affecting the value of the vh unit.
  2. Check the screen orientation:

    • Try testing the application in different screen orientations to see if the issue is consistent across all of them.
    • Check the viewport height of each screen orientation to see if it is affecting the value of the vh unit.
  3. Check component-specific styles and layouts:

    • Check the CSS styles and layouts of each component to see if they are affecting the viewport height and therefore the value of the vh unit.
    • Try removing or modifying the component-specific styles and layouts to see if it resolves the issue.
  4. Check for conflicts with other units:

    • Check if the vh unit is being used in conjunction with other units, such as percentage or pixel units.
    • Try using a single unit consistently throughout the application to see if it resolves the issue.


Based on the troubleshooting steps above, here are some solutions to the issue of the vh unit returning different values in different components on the same screen:

Using a Consistent Unit

One of the most effective solutions is to use a consistent unit throughout the application. For example, if you are using the vh unit to set the height of elements, try using it consistently throughout the application. This can help to ensure that the value of the vh unit is consistent across all components.

Using a Fixed Height

Another solution is to use a fixed height for elements instead of the vh unit. This can help to ensure that the height of elements is consistent across all components and screens.

Using a JavaScript Solution

A JavaScript solution can also be used to set the height of elements dynamically based on the viewport height. This can help to ensure that the height of elements is consistent across all components and screens.

function setHeight() {
  var viewportHeight = window.innerHeight;
  document.getElementById('element').style.height = viewportHeight + 'px';

window.addEventListener('resize', setHeight);

Using a CSS Framework

Using a CSS framework such as Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS can also help to resolve the issue. These frameworks provide pre-defined classes and utilities that can be used to set the height of elements consistently across all components and screens.


In conclusion, the issue of the vh unit returning different values in different components on the same screen can be caused by a variety of factors, including browser and device differences, screen orientation, and component-specific styles and layouts. By following the troubleshooting steps and implementing the solutions outlined in this article, developers can resolve this issue and create responsive designs that work consistently across all components and screens.


Here are some frequently asked questions related to the topic:

Question Answer
Why does the vh unit return different values in different components on the same screen? The vh unit returns different values because the viewport height can change depending on the browser, device, and screen orientation.
How can I troubleshoot the issue of the vh unit returning different values? You can troubleshoot the issue by checking the browser and device, screen orientation, component-specific styles and layouts, and conflicts with other units.
What are some solutions to the issue of the vh unit returning different values? Some solutions include using a consistent unit, using a fixed height, using a JavaScript solution, and using a CSS framework.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the issue of the vh unit returning different values in different components on the same screen can be resolved by understanding the causes of the issue and implementing the solutions outlined in this article. By following these guidelines, developers can create responsive designs that work consistently across all components and screens.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “The vh is returning different values in different component in the same screen”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about the vh unit returning different values in different components on the same screen!

Why is the vh unit returning different values in different components on the same screen?

The vh unit is relative to the viewport height, and the viewport height can be different depending on the component’s layout and position on the screen. For example, if you have a component that is positioned at the bottom of the screen, its viewport height might be smaller than a component at the top of the screen. This can cause the vh unit to return different values for the same component in different parts of the screen.

How can I ensure that the vh unit returns the same value across all components on the same screen?

One way to ensure that the vh unit returns the same value across all components is to use a fixed height for the parent element, and then use percentages or flexbox to layout the child elements. This way, the viewport height will be consistent across all components, and the vh unit will return the same value.

What is the difference between vh and viewport height?

The vh unit is a relative unit that is equal to 1% of the viewport height. The viewport height, on the other hand, is the height of the visible area of the screen, which can vary depending on the device and screen orientation. So, while the vh unit is relative to the viewport height, they are not the same thing.

Can I use JavaScript to get the viewport height and use it in my CSS?

Yes, you can use JavaScript to get the viewport height and use it in your CSS. One way to do this is by using the `window.innerHeight` property to get the viewport height, and then setting the CSS variable using JavaScript. For example, `‘–viewport-height’, `${window.innerHeight}px`);`.

Are there any browser-specific issues with using the vh unit?

Yes, there are some browser-specific issues with using the vh unit. For example, in iOS Safari, the vh unit can be affected by the address bar and toolbar, which can cause it to return incorrect values. In Chrome, the vh unit can be affected by the browser’s scrollbar. It’s always a good idea to test your code in different browsers and devices to ensure that it works as expected.