Unleashing the Power of Azure AD: How to Get Details of an Azure AD Group from AZ CLI
Image by Sibeal - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Azure AD: How to Get Details of an Azure AD Group from AZ CLI

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Are you tired of navigating the complexities of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to get the details of a specific group? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the simplest and most efficient way to retrieve the details of an Azure AD group using the Azure Command-Line Interface (AZ CLI). Buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of Azure AD and AZ CLI!

What is Azure AD?

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based identity and access management solution that helps you manage access to your applications and resources. It provides a secure way to authenticate and authorize users, groups, and devices. With Azure AD, you can create and manage groups, assign roles, and set up access controls to ensure the right people have access to the right resources.

What is AZ CLI?

The Azure Command-Line Interface (AZ CLI) is a powerful tool that allows you to manage Azure resources from the command line. With AZ CLI, you can create, update, and delete resources, as well as perform various operations on your Azure infrastructure. AZ CLI is a fast and flexible way to automate and script Azure tasks, making it a popular choice among developers and IT professionals.

Why Use AZ CLI to Get Azure AD Group Details?

So, why should you use AZ CLI to get the details of an Azure AD group? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Speed and Efficiency**: AZ CLI is lightning-fast and can retrieve group details in a matter of seconds, making it an ideal choice for automation and scripting tasks.
  • Flexibility**: With AZ CLI, you can customize your commands to retrieve specific group details, making it a flexible and adaptable solution.
  • Scriptability**: AZ CLI allows you to script and automate Azure tasks, making it a popular choice among developers and IT professionals.


Before we dive into the process of getting Azure AD group details using AZ CLI, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Azure Subscription**: You need an active Azure subscription to use AZ CLI.
  • Azure AD Group**: You need an existing Azure AD group to retrieve details about.
  • AZ CLI Installed**: Make sure you have AZ CLI installed on your machine. You can download and install AZ CLI from the official Azure website.
  • Logged in to AZ CLI**: Run the command az login to log in to AZ CLI using your Azure credentials.

Getting Azure AD Group Details using AZ CLI

Now that we have our prerequisites in place, let’s get started with retrieving Azure AD group details using AZ CLI!

Step 1: Get the Group Object ID

The first step is to get the object ID of the Azure AD group you want to retrieve details about. You can do this using the following command:

az ad group show --group-name "YourGroupName" --query "objectId" -o tsv

Replace “YourGroupName” with the name of the Azure AD group you want to retrieve details about. The command will output the object ID of the group, which you’ll need in the next step.

Step 2: Get the Group Details

Once you have the object ID, you can use the following command to retrieve the details of the Azure AD group:

az ad group show --id "YourGroupObjectId" --query "displayName,mail,mailEnabled,securityEnabled" -o table

Replace “YourGroupObjectId” with the object ID you obtained in Step 1. The command will output the following details about the Azure AD group:

Property Description
displayName The display name of the Azure AD group.
mail The email address of the Azure AD group.
mailEnabled Indicates whether the Azure AD group has a mailbox enabled.
securityEnabled Indicates whether the Azure AD group is a security group.

You can customize the query to retrieve additional or different properties about the Azure AD group.

Tips and Variations

Here are a few tips and variations to help you get the most out of AZ CLI when retrieving Azure AD group details:

  • Use the `–query` option**: The `–query` option allows you to customize the output of the command. You can use it to retrieve specific properties about the Azure AD group.
  • Use the `-o` option**: The `-o` option allows you to specify the output format. You can use it to output the results in a table, JSON, or TSV format.
  • Use AZ CLI with scripting**: You can use AZ CLI with scripting languages like PowerShell or Bash to automate Azure tasks and retrieve Azure AD group details.
  • Use AZ CLI with Azure DevOps**: You can use AZ CLI with Azure DevOps to automate Azure tasks and retrieve Azure AD group details as part of your CI/CD pipeline.


In conclusion, retrieving Azure AD group details using AZ CLI is a fast, efficient, and flexible way to manage your Azure infrastructure. With the steps outlined in this article, you can easily retrieve the details of an Azure AD group and automate Azure tasks to improve your productivity and efficiency. Remember to customize your queries and output formats to get the most out of AZ CLI!

Happy AZ CLI-ing!


For more information about AZ CLI and Azure AD, check out the following references:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of Azure AD groups with az cli!

How do I get the details of an Azure AD group using az cli?

You can use the command `az ad group show –group ` to get the details of an Azure AD group. Replace `` with the actual ID or name of the group you want to query. This command will display the group’s properties, including its ID, displayName, mailEnabled, and more!

What if I only know the group’s name and not its ID?

No problem! You can use the `–query` option to filter the results by name. For example, `az ad group list –query “contains(displayName, ‘‘)”`. This will search for groups with a displayName that contains the specified `` and display their details.

Can I get a list of all Azure AD groups using az cli?

Yes, you can! The command `az ad group list` will retrieve a list of all Azure AD groups in your tenant. You can use additional options like `–query` or `–filter` to filter the results based on specific criteria.

How do I get the members of an Azure AD group using az cli?

Use the command `az ad group get-member-groups –group ` to get a list of members in the specified group. You can also use `az ad group get-member-users` to get a list of users who are direct members of the group.

Are there any other options or flags I can use with az ad group commands?

Yes, there are many options and flags available to customize your az ad group commands. For example, you can use `–output` to specify the output format (e.g., JSON, table, or yaml), or `–verbose` to increase the verbosity of the command. Run `az ad group –help` to explore all the available options and flags!