I Need Selenium WebDriver Firefox to Return the Same Response as Using Requests, Is There Any Way?
Image by Sibeal - hkhazo.biz.id

I Need Selenium WebDriver Firefox to Return the Same Response as Using Requests, Is There Any Way?

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If you’re stuck in a situation where you want Selenium WebDriver Firefox to return the same response as using requests, you’re not alone! Many developers have been in this pickle, and today, we’re going to explore ways to achieve this. But before we dive into the solution, let’s understand the problem first.

The Problem: Why Selenium WebDriver Firefox Doesn’t Return the Same Response as Requests

Selenium WebDriver Firefox and requests are two different tools with different purposes. Selenium is an automation tool that simulates user interactions with a web browser, while requests is a library that sends HTTP requests to a server. When you use Selenium, it loads a full-blown browser instance, which can execute JavaScript, load CSS, and perform other tasks that a real user would do. On the other hand, requests simply sends a request to a server and receives a response.

Because of these differences, Selenium WebDriver Firefox and requests may not always return the same response. Selenium WebDriver Firefox may return a response that includes dynamically loaded content, while requests may not. This can lead to discrepancies in the responses, making it challenging to get the same result using both methods.

The Solution: Getting Selenium WebDriver Firefox to Return the Same Response as Requests

Fortunately, there are ways to get Selenium WebDriver Firefox to return the same response as using requests. Here are a few approaches you can try:

Method 1: Using the requests Library with Selenium WebDriver Firefox

You can use the requests library in conjunction with Selenium WebDriver Firefox to get the same response as using requests alone. Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver
import requests

# Create a new instance of the Firefox driver
driver = webdriver.Firefox()

# Navigate to the website

# Get the HTML content using Selenium
html_content = driver.page_source

# Use requests to get the HTML content
response = requests.get("https://example.com")

# Compare the HTML content
if html_content == response.text:
    print("The responses are the same!")
    print("The responses are different!")

In this example, we use Selenium WebDriver Firefox to navigate to the website and get the HTML content. We then use requests to get the HTML content and compare the two. If the responses are the same, we print a success message. Otherwise, we print an error message.

Method 2: Disabling JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver Firefox

Another approach is to disable JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver Firefox. This can ensure that Selenium WebDriver Firefox returns the same response as using requests, since requests doesn’t execute JavaScript. Here’s an example:

from selenium import webdriver

# Create a new instance of the Firefox driver with JavaScript disabled
options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions()
options.set_preference("javascript.enabled", False)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)

# Navigate to the website

# Get the HTML content
html_content = driver.page_source


In this example, we create a new instance of the Firefox driver with JavaScript disabled using the `set_preference` method. We then navigate to the website and get the HTML content using Selenium WebDriver Firefox. The resulting HTML content should be the same as using requests.

Method 3: Using the selenium-wire Library

The selenium-wire library is a modified version of Selenium WebDriver that allows you to access the underlying HTTP requests and responses. You can use this library to get the same response as using requests. Here’s an example:

from seleniumwire import webdriver

# Create a new instance of the Firefox driver
driver = webdriver.Firefox()

# Navigate to the website

# Get the HTTP response
response = driver.requests[-1].response


In this example, we create a new instance of the Firefox driver using selenium-wire. We then navigate to the website and access the underlying HTTP response using the `requests` attribute. We print the response body, which should be the same as using requests.

Comparison of Methods

So, which method should you use? Here’s a comparison of the three methods:

Method Pros Cons
Method 1: Using requests with Selenium WebDriver Firefox
  • Easy to implement
  • Flexible
  • May not work for complex scenarios
  • Requires additional library
Method 2: Disabling JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver Firefox
  • Simple to implement
  • No additional library required
  • May not work for websites that rely on JavaScript
  • May not return the same response as using requests
Method 3: Using selenium-wire
  • Provides low-level access to HTTP requests and responses
  • Flexible
  • Requires additional library
  • Steeper learning curve

Ultimately, the best method for you will depend on your specific use case and requirements. If you need a simple solution and don’t mind using an additional library, Method 1 may be the way to go. If you’re working with a website that relies heavily on JavaScript, Method 2 may not be suitable. Method 3 provides low-level access to HTTP requests and responses, but requires more effort to implement.


In conclusion, while Selenium WebDriver Firefox and requests are different tools with different purposes, there are ways to get Selenium WebDriver Firefox to return the same response as using requests. By using one of the methods outlined in this article, you can ensure that your automation tests return the same response as using requests. Remember to choose the method that best fits your needs and requirements.

  1. Try using the requests library with Selenium WebDriver Firefox
  2. Disable JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver Firefox
  3. Use the selenium-wire library to access the underlying HTTP requests and responses

By following these steps and choosing the right method for your use case, you can get Selenium WebDriver Firefox to return the same response as using requests.

Got any questions or need further clarification? Leave a comment below!

Frequently Asked Question

I need Selenium WebDriver Firefox to return the same response as using requests, is there any way? Here are some frequently asked questions that might help you out!

Can Selenium WebDriver Firefox really return the same response as using requests?

Yes, it is possible for Selenium WebDriver Firefox to return the same response as using requests. However, it requires some tweaks and adjustments to the Selenium WebDriver configuration. You can achieve this by setting the user agent, cookies, and headers to match the requests library.

What are the key differences between Selenium WebDriver Firefox and requests that affect the response?

The main differences lie in how they send requests and interact with the web page. Selenium WebDriver Firefox launches a real browser instance, which can execute JavaScript and load page resources, whereas requests is a lightweight HTTP library that sends raw HTTP requests without rendering the page. This affects how the server responds to the requests, as the browser instance can trigger additional requests or modify the page content.

How can I set the user agent in Selenium WebDriver Firefox to match the requests library?

You can set the user agent in Selenium WebDriver Firefox by using the `DesiredCapabilities` class and modifying the `general.useragent.override` preference. For example, in Python, you can do this: `from selenium import webdriver; options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions(); options.set_preference(‘general.useragent.override’, ‘your_user_agent_here’); driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)`. Replace `your_user_agent_here` with the desired user agent string.

Can I use Selenium WebDriver Firefox in headless mode to mimic the requests library behavior?

Yes, you can use Selenium WebDriver Firefox in headless mode to reduce the overhead of launching a visible browser instance. However, keep in mind that even in headless mode, Selenium WebDriver Firefox will still execute JavaScript and load page resources, which can affect the response. To get closer to the requests library behavior, you can disable JavaScript execution using the `options.set_preference(‘javascript.enabled’, False)` preference.

Are there any performance considerations when using Selenium WebDriver Firefox compared to requests?

Yes, Selenium WebDriver Firefox is generally slower and more resource-intensive than the requests library. This is because Selenium launches a real browser instance, which consumes more memory and CPU. If performance is a concern, you may want to consider using requests for simple HTTP requests and reserve Selenium for situations that require more advanced browser interaction.

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